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July 25, 2024

A Baby Whisperer's Journey

Welcome to Our Cozy Newborn Photography Studio: A Baby Whisperer's Journey

Hey there, new parents! If you're reading this, congratulations on your beautiful new addition to the family. I'm thrilled to share a bit of my journey with you and give you a glimpse into what makes my newborn photography sessions special and stress-free.

Back in 2021, just six months after welcoming my own little one into the world, I knew my days of wedding photography were behind me. I fell head over heels for the newborn stage and found my true calling. This journey hasn't just been about perfecting my posing and photography skills; it's been about becoming a baby whisperer too.

Now, let’s be real—babies can be fussy. In fact, about 80% of the newborns I see have their moments. It’s not their personality; it’s just the shock of being in a new world, having a stranger cuddle them, and seeing flashes from a camera. I mean, who wouldn’t be a bit cranky?

Over the past three years, I’ve learned a few tricks to help soothe even the fussiest of babies. So, if you're wondering what to expect during our time together, here’s a peek at the magic:

Keeping It Cozy

First things first, I keep the studio warm and toasty at 78 degrees. Your baby might be naked for most of the session, so it's essential they feel snug and comfy. I even have a heating pad on hand, just in case they need an extra touch of warmth.

The Swaddle Magic

I know, I know—some parents swear their baby hates being swaddled. But trust me, once they’re wrapped up in my special way, they usually settle right down. Think about it: they’ve just spent nine months all snug in your womb. They love that secure feeling, and wrapped poses are the perfect way to start.

Soothing Sounds

If you haven’t tried white noise yet, you’re missing out. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, it ‘reminds babies of being inside the womb may be calming, such as a white noise device, the humming sound of a fan, or the recording of a heartbeat’ and in my experience, it’s a game-changer! Disclaimer: I am not a doctor! I am just a mom who loves children and likes to stay as educated as possible on the subject. Even in my own life I always have some white noise in the background, whether it’s from my AC or fans. It works wonders in calming those little brains.

When it comes to sound machines, not all sound machines are created equal! While you don’t have to spend an arm and a leg to get a good sound machine, you want one that is clear and sounds natural, not like it is coming out of a speaker. As far as bang for your buck I personally don’t think you could get any better than the Hatch. They sound amazing and you can control them from your phone, so no fumbling with buttons in the dark as you are trying to put your infant to sleep!

If you are on the go I love the VTech Myla The Monkey Baby Sleep Soother. It is super portable and super cute!

Gentle Vibration

I read somewhere that babies can only focus on two things at once. After doing some research, I stumbled across a study in the National Library of Medicine on the effects of vibrations on infants' sleep quality. Whether that’s true or not, in my experience combining white noise with gentle vibrations often does the trick. I use a little vibrating pad on their back, and it’s amazing how quickly they relax.

Soft Strokes

You might see me gently stroking your baby’s face. This simple touch can help relax their facial muscles and eventually coax them into closing their eyes. It’s a little bit of magic that works every time.

Pacifier Peace

Pacifiers can be a touchy subject, and I totally respect your choice as a parent. They’re great for distraction and soothing. While you’re always welcome to say no, I do find that pacifiers can help achieve those perfect poses.

Patience Is Key

Some poses take time—sometimes 30 minutes or more. Babies need time to get comfortable, and I’m here to go at their pace. Patience is my superpower.

Calm Vibes Only

Babies are incredibly perceptive and can pick up on our emotions. That’s why staying calm and stress-free is vital for a smooth session. I’m here to keep things relaxed and enjoyable for both you and your baby.

Remember, fussiness is 100% normal. These techniques have helped me create beautiful, serene images and have even inspired parents to take home a few calming tricks. I always believe a mother knows best, but having a few extra tools in your parenting toolkit never hurts.

So, if you’re ready for a warm, inviting, and magical newborn photography session, I’m here to welcome you with open arms. Let’s create some beautiful memories together!